Back from the dead: Updates + Portuguese version
Hi everyone, Matheus here. I've been mostly radio silent about SaB (and any other projects) in the last months, but I'm back from the dead to give a few updates and explain some things:
Our absence and the future of the project
SaB began as a two-person project, Luís and I created this together, and although both are equally important to its existence, I like to say that I made this game, but Luís was the one who made it happen.
What I mean by this, is that most of the game design and writing came from me, and Luís came in giving me ideas to help me refine my creations, and the layout was mostly his. I created it, he brought it into reality. A perfect two-person setup.
The second difference that is important to highlight is our relationship with TTRPGs: For me, it's an important part of my life in general. I see it as an art form, one that I practice and am very passionate about.
For Luís, it is a hobby. One that he loves, but just a hobby. Naturally, it holds a lower position on his list of priorities. He's also a very work-focused person, and that is always his main priority.
That being said, to explain the absence in the last months: Around June last year, I started a new job that consumed most of my time and energy. Along with some problems with my health, family, and relationships, I was left with basically no time to play, much less create games. Since I was the one who invested more time in the project, Luís wouldn't be able to keep it going by himself. That, combined with some personal reasons of his own, led him to decide to step away from the project indefinitely. There are no hard feelings about that decision, but that leaves SaB as a one-man show from now on.
But what now?
As of last week, I've left that job that kept me completely busy, and if things go as planned, I'll soon start a much more forgiving one. Besides, my personal life is much more in order than it was last year, which leaves space for me to flex my creative muscles. Right now I have two sketched projects that I wish to bring to reality:
- Fleeting Luck: This is a good old sourcebook for SaB. More spells, more patrons, more relics, more monsters, more everything. Just a bunch of content ready for you to drop in your games. I'd say the writing is 80% done, and still lacking editing and playtesting.
- The Space Playset: The name is self-explanatory: It's SaB, but in space. Imagine the kinds of adventures you'd already have with this game, but add to the list of inspirations stuff like Star Wars, Warhammer 40k, Masters of the Universe, the cosmic sides of Marvel Comics, etc.
I'd say this one is about halfway written, but the more playtest-intensive parts (archetypes, technology, and ship rules) have hit the table already.
What is important to say is that those projects will (unfortunately) have a smaller scope and probably be less polished than the Player's Guide and Gamemaster's Handbook. As I'm now doing this by myself, I intend to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good, so I plan to release those with simple layout and no art at a lower price, and eventually (if possible) pay for proper editing, art and all that. All that will still take a little while to happen, I'm rusty!
The next part is about the Portuguese version of the player's guide, so English-only people, thank you for reading until here! See you next time.
Versão Brasileira: Matt Morais
Não é de recente que eu recebo comentários/mensagens sobre uma versão BR do livro base. Eu sempre respondi com "É algo pro futuro", visto que querendo ou não o principal público do SaB é gringo. Mas isso muda agora.
Pra ser honesto, essa versão já existia como um rascunho a quase um ano, apenas disponível pra uns poucos amigos que jogavam comigo. Mas na semana anterior arrastei pelos cabelos convenci dois amigos a revisar o texto pra mim em busca de possíveis erros, e agora temos uma versão pronta pra ver a luz do dia. Naturalmente, ainda é uma revisão amadora então por favor me avisem de quaisquer erros.
Dito isso, visto que agora temos uma versão adequada, caso você amigo BR não deseje lidar com o processo de fazer a compra em dólar pela itch, me manda um email ou mensagem no discord que eu te desenrolo uma chave através um pix um pouco mais amigável.
Get Spellburn and Battlescars
Spellburn and Battlescars
A Mark of the Odd Sword & Sorcery Dungeon Crawling RPG
Status | Released |
Category | Physical game |
Authors | Matheus Henrique Morais, LFA |
Tags | cairn, dcc, Dungeon Crawler, into-the-odd, ito, nsr, OSR, sword-and-sorcery, Tabletop role-playing game |
Languages | English |
More posts
- New version + Gamemaster's HandbookFeb 02, 2023
- Gamemaster's Handbook, Updated Roadmap and Dungeon23Dec 23, 2022
- Quick Update: FontsAug 31, 2022
- New Cover!Aug 23, 2022
- Release RecapAug 22, 2022
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Awesome, can't wait for more updates!
Massa! Agora vou até imprimir pra jogar. ^^